Chapter 28
Hardness Conversion According to DIN 50150: 2000-10

    28.1   Kind of Material
    28.2   Hardness Values
    28.3   Further Possibilities

This calculation module helps to convert different hardness values into one another. The hardness values also can be determined by the input of the tensile strength.


Figure 28.1: Hardness conversion

28.1 Kind of Material

For the calculation the following kind of material can be selected:


Figure 28.2: Selection from the listbox

28.2 Hardness Values

The program provides the different hardness values depending on the selected kind of material:


Figure 28.3: Hardness values

28.3 Further Possibilities

Clicking the link ‘More calculation modules’ leads you to our web site. Here you can register for a free test account in order to use all eAssistant calculation modules (e.g., shafts, cylindrical gears, bevel gears, springs). Find more information in section 2 ‘Registration’).


Figure 28.4: Link to our web site

Please Note: If you registrate for the first time, you will receive a password in order to login. The project management helps you to start the calculation modules. The list on the left side shows all calculation modules including the free modules. If you use these modules, then no time will be deducted from your account.

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